Monsoon Challenges and Commercial AC Duct Cleaning: A Must for Businesses 

Commercial AC Duct Cleaning

The monsoon season brings much-needed relief from the scorching heat, but have you ever stopped to think about what it means for your office air conditioning system? High humidity levels, common during the rainy season, create the perfect environment for mold, dust, and other contaminants to accumulate inside AC ducts.   Could this affect your workspace’s […]

Why AC Duct Cleaning Matters for Improved Air Quality and Efficiency 

AC Duct Cleaning

Cleaning AC ducts is essential for keeping your air conditioning system working efficiently and your indoor air quality high. Over time, dust, debris, and even mold can build up in your ducts, which can affect the air you breathe. This buildup can spread throughout your workplace, leading to health issues, especially for people with allergies […]

How Often Should You Schedule Commercial HVAC Cleaning? 

HVAC Cleaning

Imagine stepping into an office or a luxurious hotel lobby where the air feels fresh, clean, and just perfect. This isn’t by chance. It’s all thanks to a maintained HVAC system working behind the scenes to create a comfortable atmosphere. Cleaning your HVAC Duct System regularly is often overlooked in settings. It plays a crucial […]

Breathe Comfortably: The Importance of Ventilation System Cleaning

Ventilation System Cleaning

Just like our lungs filter the air we breathe, ventilation systems perform the same vital function for buildings. They’re responsible for bringing in fresh, life-giving air and expelling stale air, pollutants, and toxins.

Ensuring a Healthy Workplace: The Value of Indoor Air Quality Services by EPSCO India

indoor air quality

While fresh air invigorates us, many people unknowingly spend a significant amount of time breathing unhealthy air indoors. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) can be much more concentrated than outdoor air, posing a hidden threat to employee well-being and productivity.

We’re Behind The Confidence Of Smiling Flyers

airport safety

The first casualty of the COVID-19 pandemic was the airline industry. Suddenly overnight, all flights across the world were cancelled and the aircraft were towed away into hangars. In one instant, an entire mode of travel came to a complete standstill. With lockdown being declared across major countries, one could not even travel using other […]

Sanitization of Offices & Commercial Establishments Post Covid Lockdown

Sanitization of Offices and Commercial Establishments

After the present lockdown officially ends and the central and state governments give full permission to offices and commercial establishments to function normally as before, it will be mandatory for these institutions to sanitize their premises as part of a defined plan towards ensuring the safety of their employees and customers. 

Indoor Air Quality Audit During Covid19 Pandemic

Indoor Air Quality Audit During Covid19 Pandemic

Since March, everyone is stuck indoors because of India wide lockdown. We all are practicing social distancing to keep ourselves safe and combat the spread of COVID-19. You might think that staying indoors means you’re safe from air pollution, but research shows that this is far from the case. Air pollution can occur indoors, too […]

What Is ATP Testing?

ATP Testing

EPSCO India is offering professional sanitization services pan India. We use WHO approved disinfectants, sanitizers, equipment and methods to sanitize the high-touch surfaces, both indoors as well as outdoors. We also perform ATP Testing. WHAT IS ATP TESTING? ATP Testing is the measure of cleanliness when it comes to Sanitization. It provide us information whether […]

Best Practices On Sanitisation Of Commercial Properties During Pandemic

Sanitisation Of Commercial Properties During Pandemic

As the coronavirus has made its way across the globe and in India, it’s important for building management professionals to understand the proactive steps they must take to prevent the spread of illness in their commercial facilities. In this blog we have stated some of the best practices to follow throughout the year to minimize […]

How Do We Follow Proper HVAC Cleaning Process

HVAC Cleaning

EPSCO India is offering HVAC Cleaning Service since a decade. We are the members of NADCA. According to the NADCA standards, we follow two methods to clean HVAC cleaning: breaking contaminants loose, and collection of contaminants. BREAKING CONTAMINANTS LOOSE Properly cleaning of HVAC systems requires removing the sources of contamination. Source removal begins with the […]

Benefits of hiring asbestos removal service provider

asbestos removal service

Asbestos is the mineral that is found in two-thirds of the rocks in the earth’s crust. Its ability to withstand fierce heat and chemical attack, while being flexible enough to be spun and woven, has led to its widespread use of asbestos in the construction and components industry. In 19th century, asbestos was utilized mainly […]

Kitchen Extraction System Cleaning Guide

Kitchen Extraction System Cleaning

It is highly essential that every commercial kitchen should be equipped with kitchen extraction system to remove grease-laden vapours from the fuel sources and cooking surfaces of cooking appliances. Operating without a professional kitchen extraction system is highly dangerous for employees, customers and the facility itself. However, even with the most advanced equipment, grease build-up […]

Hazardous effects of Asbestos

Hazardous effects of Asbestos

The human health gets severely affected from long-term unsafe asbestos exposure. These effects are well documented. Airborne Asbestos fibres can be easily inhaled and carried into the lower regions of the lung where they can cause fibrotic lung disease (asbestosis) and changes in the lining of the chest cavity.  These diseases can lead to reduced […]

Perform IAQ Audits Before Winter Sets In

Perform IAQ Audits Before Winter

As winter approaches, the air begins to settle down, getting denser and converting into fog. In cities, the dense air gets mixed with pollution and becomes smog. As we all know the outdoor air quality eventually affects indoor air quality, its utmost essential to take care of indoor air quality especially when it comes out […]



  Dear member, The Breathing Clean initiative was developed to support the Anti-Fraud Task Force with educating homeowners about the benefits of air duct cleaning and the importance of hiring a reputable company to perform the service. Another component of the Breathing Clean mission is to provide you, the NADCA member, with valuable content and […]

The Importance of Kitchen Extraction Cleaning

Kitchen Extraction Cleaning

Commercial Kitchens use sophisticated kitchen extraction systems. In India commercial kitchens undergo daily preparations of large quantity of fried foods because of which their kitchen extraction system gets clogged with combustible materials over time due to the enormous levels of activity they encounter. These grease clogged extraction systems pose great risk of fire and other […]

Asbestos and your Health

Asbestos and your Health

Asbestos was a widely used mineral in most of the industries in India. Every year thousands of people die from asbestos-related diseases in India. Asbestos was commonly used worldwide, before its dangers to health were widely known. It is now illegal to use it in any new products in India since 21 January 2011, as […]

How To Choose The Right HVAC Duct Cleaning Company

HVAC Duct Cleaning Company

Are you aware of how poor air quality of your business premises lead to health issues? Are you wondering how to select the right HVAC duct cleaning company for the best service? Are you aware what kind of services HVAC duct cleaning companies offer? Follow the six steps listed below to finalise the contract for […]

Fire, Water And Smoke Damage Restoration.

Fire, Water And Smoke Damage Restoration

Commercial fires cause physical, financial, and emotional challenges for business owners. The after effects are often difficult for those on the outside to understand. To help restore the process, restoration specialists know how to address your needs quickly and efficiently. When a fire disaster occurs, first ensure the safety of your employees. Once everyone is […]

How To Prevent Fire In Business Kitchens Following Nfpa96 Standard

National Fire Protection Association

What is the NFPA? The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) is a United States trade association that works to establish and maintain fire safety standards and codes to prevent death, injury, property damage or economic loss due to fire related hazards. EPSCO India has adopted these standards for our Kitchen Extraction Cleaning service in an effort to […]

IAQ – Indoor Air Quality Facts And Statistics!

Indoor Air Quality

In the industrial era that we live in, our urban lifestyle is utterly different from that of rural. In cities and towns most of the people spend 90% of their daily time indoors than outdoors. Most of us are completely unaware that our indoor air could be polluted. As stated, we spend 90% of our […]

Occupational Asbestos Exposure

Occupational Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos is carcinogenic. Occupational asbestos exposure is the No. 1 cause of mesothelioma cancer. Repeated exposure to asbestos on the job puts workers at risk of several cancers and serious pulmonary diseases. In this blog we would like to inform you about the occupations and industries that place people at risk of asbestos exposure. Asbestos […]

Fire Damage Cleanup In Six Steps

Fire Damage Cleanup

Commercial fires cause physical, financial, and emotional challenges to you and your business premises. The effects are often devastating. Restoration specialists like EPSCO India knows how to address your needs quickly and efficiently. When a fire disaster occurs, ensure the safety of your employees first. Once everyone is safe and fire is doused by authorities, […]

Kitchen Extraction System Cleaning Services

Kitchen Extraction System Cleaning

EPSCO India team has vast experience regarding working on every type of commercial kitchen duct and ventilation system. We offer our services for commercial kitchens of restaurants, schools, hospitals, public buildings and hotels. Our present urban lifestyle and our Indian recipes lead to extensive frying. Commercial kitchens are busy frying food most of the time […]

Fire, Water And Smoke Damage Restoration

Fire, Water And Smoke Damage Restoration

Fire destroys everything in its range. After a blaze is doused, there is so much to do, and time is critical.  Gutted property openings need to be covered to protect against the elements and unauthorized entry, and there’s extensive debris removal to be carried out and repairs to be taken care of. Fire invites two […]

Does My Commercial Property Contain Asbestos?


DOES MY COMMERCIAL PROPERTY CONTAIN ASBESTOS? Asbestos is a naturally found mineral and has been around for centuries and was used for all types of construction. It was mostly used for construction materials in India, till 2011. Due to its hazardous and carcinogenic properties, Supreme Court of India banned manufacturing of this deadly mineral in […]

Why Hire Professional Kitchen Extraction Duct Cleaners

Kitchen Extraction Duct Cleaners

WHY HIRE PROFESSIONAL KITCHEN EXTRACTION DUCT CLEANERS Commercial kitchens are extremely busy cooking places. Whole day long high volume and continuous cooking produce lots of smoke, grease and moisture. As the time passes, the grease gets accumulated inside the sophisticated kitchen extraction systems. This grease can be the potential fire hazard. Research indicates that most […]

Improving Indoor Air Quality In Business Premises

Improving Indoor Air Quality In Business Premises

IMPROVING INDOOR AIR QUALITY IN BUSINESS PREMISES Indoor air quality (IAQ) at the business premises is the subject of much concern and for good reason. The air quality of the indoor environment can profoundly affect the health, comfort, and productivity of occupants. It’s a well known fact that the indoor air quality may drop by […]

Fire, Smoke And Water Damage Restoration

Fire, Smoke And Water Damage Restoration

GUIDE TO FIRE, SMOKE AND WATER DAMAGE RESTORATION Fire is one of the deadliest hazards and can cause destruction within minutes, resulting in loss of property, valuables as well as documentation. This blog will guide property owners to call and rely on fire, smoke and water damage restoration professionals to bring their facilities back to […]

Asbestos Abatement Service

Occupational Asbestos Exposure

IMPORTANT THINGS YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT ASBESTOS Asbestos is a really scary word that we hear time to time and it’s scarier to see people working under it in industrial estates and factories. In this blog we would like to alert you about the dangerous factors of living under asbestos roof, how it affects lives […]

Fire and Flood Restoration

Fire, Water And Smoke Damage Restoration

For Fire and Flood Restoration, count on EPSCO India A fire has the power to destroy your property within minutes. Your valuables, important papers and the wonderful memories can all get charred within no time. Whatever left behind at all, the emotional toll is overwhelming. Allow us to help you through the fire and flood […]

A Comprehensive Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Guide For Restaurant Owners

Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning

EPSCO India brings you comprehensive kitchen exhaust cleaning guide for the restaurant owners through this blog. As you all know, kitchen exhaust system plays very important role in the restaurant kitchen, pulling heat, smoke, and odours away from cooking surfaces. This also protects both employees and the restaurant facility itself. But over time, the greasy […]

How To Increase Employee Comfort And Productivity

Increase Employee Comfort And Productivity

Although every morning, every office begins functioning with zest, eventually after lunch it hits the afternoon slump. Employees feel stuck reading the same line of an email. A contagious yawn spreads over the room. People feel sleepy or feel fatigue. But it’s not just fatigue. It’s something more. Commercial buildings are notorious for trapping CO2 […]



Usage of asbestos is banned all over India since 2011 by our Supreme Court Order. Asbestos is a carcinogenic mineral that needs to be removed and disposed safely from industrial and residential premises. In India, asbestos containing materials are present in insulations in most of the properties built in last century. Unfortunately most people do […]


Indoor Air Quality

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is defined as the quality of air that affects the health and well-being of the building occupants. As per EPA & National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH), indoor pollutant level maybe 10 to 100 times higher than outdoors. The air quality of the indoor environment profoundly affects the health, […]

Industrial Kitchen Extraction System Cleaning

Industrial Kitchen Extraction System Cleaning

Industrial Kitchen Extraction System Cleaning is must. Behind every fire related accident, human negligence is a cause. Be it faulty wiring or jammed kitchen extraction system or storage of highly flammable items at one place; once the fire breaks out, it guts out everything in sight within no time, resulting in great loss of human […]



EPSCO India is in the business of cleaning the environment, health and safety. One of our specializations is in restoration of iconic buildings after natural calamities like fire, tsunami or acts of terror. It is very essential to protect the heritage of historic building during their restoration. We accurately reveal and recover the state of […]



During last century Asbestos was the most extensively used naturally occurring mineral fibre in various industrial, commercial, ship building and housing industries. Asbestos is cheap, easy to mine and fire retardant. These qualities made asbestos bulk filler in construction-related products. After its extensive use for over 20-30 years, scientists found out a hazardous quality in […]

Protecting, Restoring & Purifying Indoor Air Quality

Improving Indoor Air Quality In Business Premises

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) can be defined as the quality of air as it affects the health and well-being of building occupantsand corporate houses. As per the WHO (World Health Organisation) most of the buildings in industrial belts of India are not healthy and not good at all for inhalation. There are many factors in […]


Increase Employee Comfort And Productivity

EPSCO India is in the business of cleaning the environment, health and safety. We purify, maintain, restore and protect indoor environment of corporate houses and industries following International Standards. In India, most of the people are working and spending more time indoors than outdoors. Hence it becomes highly essential to keep their indoor environment pure […]


Increase Employee Comfort And Productivity

As per ISO 45001:2018 certification, EPSCO India is dedicated to provide a working environment to its employees that is safe and without risk. Our team of professionals use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) suitable to their job profile, whenever they are out for restoration work. PPE is the set of equipments that protects the user against […]



Asbestos is highly toxic material and it was used abundantly in various industries in the past century. It was a series of diseases that led to the identification of the toxicity of Asbestos. The first wave of asbestos disease occurred in workers involved in the mining and milling of crude asbestos and in the manufacture […]

The Earth is a Huge Planet, but a Small World — So IAQA is Globalizing

IAQA Spring

Suhel Parker features in the IAQA Spring 2018 global newsletter on stage at the ACREX India 2018 held in Bengaluru early this year seen with IAQA International Ambassador Derrick A. Denis, Brendan Reid and other IAQA members. IAQA International Ambassador Derrick A. Denis reports on his visits to India and Singapore The importance of a […]

Fire Restoration – a thorough job

Fire Restoration

A fire in your residential or commercial property does more damage than meets the eye. The structural damage is what most people can see. But at EPSCO, we understand the water and the force of water or the fire extinguisher used also damages a lot of internal properties. Apart from this the smoke has really […]

Restaurant Fire – Causes and Caution

Fire, Water And Smoke Damage Restoration

Restaurant fires can be devastating for everyone – from chefs, staff to guests – and mostly for the owners. The kitchen fire causes damage to equipment, building structure and injuries to guests, restaurant workers, and kitchen employees. The business takes a financial hit due to repair work, word of mouth, business downtime and sometimes in […]

Benefits of HVAC System Cleaning

Right HVAC Contractor

In a country like India dust is abundant naturally. The ongoing constructions around only add to the dust settling in homes and offices. This along with other indoor contaminants like dust mites, tobacco, smoke, household mold, chemicals, airborne allergens, bacteria, animal dander and carbon monoxide circulate through the homes and offices and affect the health […]

EPSCO India Helps You Keep Your Work Environment Clean And Healthy

Increase Employee Comfort And Productivity

EPSCO India established it’s footprint in the country with only one thing in mind – to offer clean and breathable environment for employees working across various sectors and we can now boast about providing good indoor air quality to all the buildings that we have worked for so far. As employers your biggest challenge would […]

Maintain a Healthy IAQ this Summer


Summer is synonymous with vacations, holidays, nani or dadi house and a lot of indoor time with ACs running all day. Unlike winter, summers bring about a different set of potential hazards. The two month long vacations and children being at home leads to a lot of outside activity – this affects our indoor air […]

Holi and it’s effect on Pollution

Holi and it’s effect on Pollution

The festival of Holi is one of the most important ones and is celebrated all through the country with utmost fervour. It marks the beginning of springtime and is a festival of colours.  It begins a night prior with Holika Dahan wherein we collect sticks and logs and burn them in a pyre.  Today this […]

Asbestos Handling Training in Alang, Gujarat

Hazardous effects of Asbestos

The ship recycling safety workers recently received a free training in Alang on ‘asbestos handling – know it to work with it safely and smartly.’ Suhel Parker – the CEO of EPSCO Envirotech and an Asbestos Supervisor and an expert – conducted this training. Mr. Suhel Parker joined hands with Lilly Maritime and embarked on […]

Winter Air Pollution Across the Country

Winter Air Pollution Across the Country

High air pollution levels are associated with winters when atmospheric inversion traps pollutants close to the ground and cause smog. Also the onset of winters witnesses us celebrating Diwali that causes even more pollution all over the country. India’s capital is choking under off-the-charts smog, with some parts of the city reporting levels almost five […]

Myths related to Indoor Air Quality

Winter Air Pollution Across the Country

We’ve all heard the term – Indoor Air Quality. But it seems that strategies for improving IAQ float about in amounts similar to particles and gases we want to remove. Which approaches are good and which should we filter out – there’s always a debate. Hence we asked Allen P Rathey what myths related to […]

Swachh Bharat: Time to make an impact

Increase Employee Comfort And Productivity

Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced with much fanfare the Swachh Bharat Mission on Gandhi Jayanti last October. The aim is to ensure a Clean India in five years. A lot of staged photos were taken across the country of ministers, celebrities and bureaucrats cleaning streets. What was remarkable is that the new PM told the […]

India’s history with demonetisation: From 1946 to 2016

Increase Employee Comfort And Productivity

The whole country was taken aback when Prime Minister Narendra Modi on November 8 announced that the currencies in the denominations of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 will be invalid post midnight. However, the lower denomination –Rs 10, Rs 20, Rs 50, Rs 100 and coins –will be valid. He further announced that new notes […]

Decoding Air Quality Index:

Winter Air Pollution Across the Country

Air pollution has become one of the biggest environmental health risks ever. Millions of people die each year due to ailments where the cause of death has been linked to constant exposure to polluted air. Of the 6-7 million premature deaths each year due to air pollution, more than 50% of those occur in China […]

GLOBAL WARMING – Cause, Effect and Solutions :

Increase Employee Comfort And Productivity

What Causes Global Warming? Scientists have spent decades figuring out what is causing global warming. They’ve looked at the natural cycles and events that are known to influence climate. But the amount and pattern of warming that’s been measured can’t be explained by these factors alone. The only way to explain the pattern is to […]

Winter Is Coming, And So Is A Spike In Pollution, Warn Environmentalists:

Winter Air Pollution Across the Country

With winter approaching, Delhi’s pollution woes are about to return, environmentalists have warned, calling for reinstating traffic restrictions, curbs on coal-fuelled power plants and construction projects. “We are approaching the big winter problem and pollution is going to pick up rapidly now,” Anumita Roy Chawdhary, Executive Editor of the Centre for Science and Environment or […]

Air pollution could be to blame for hundreds of traffic accidents, warn researchers:

Winter Air Pollution Across the Country

Air pollution could be responsible for hundreds of car accidents a year, according to the London School of  Economics. A study looking a five years of data showed that when levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) rise just one microgramme per cubic metre, the number of collisions rises by two per cent. Although it might seem […]

Asbestos Abatement Services

asbestos removal service

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that once was lauded for its versatility, recognized for its heat resistance, tensile strength and insulating properties, and used for everything from fire-proof vests to home and commercial construction. It was woven into fabric, and mixed with cement. Asbestos was a perfect blend to make things better – except […]

EPSCO brings in NAETI Training to India

asbestos removal service

Parker’s EPSCO India realised that we are yet using Asbestos – a banned mineral worldwide but with no such regulations in India. Hence Suhel Parker has taken the lead in raising the awareness to the dangers of exposure to human health. EPSCO India got in touch with National Asbestos & Environmental Training Institute (NAETI) and […]

Sick Building Syndrome

Fire Restoration

Pollution and the depletion of the ozone layer is a constant focus of news. Fortunately, the Environmental Protection Agency says we’re making progress in reducing the six key pollutants in our air, including carbon monoxide, lead, and ozone. The bad news is that while the outside air is improving, the air we breathe indoors may […]

The Asbestos Affect

Hazardous effects of Asbestos

Malignant mesothelioma is a rare cancer that few people survive. This disease has made the news in recent years due to lawsuits filed against companies that do not disclose their knowledge of the potential toxic results of asbestos exposure. The most famous victim of mesothelioma was Steve McQueen, who died in 1980 at the age […]

Controlling Dust, Dust Mites, and Other Allergens in Your Office

Indoor Air Quality Audit During Covid19 Pandemic

Allergies and allergy sickness are among the top three reasons people miss work, and can have a significant effect on productivity. So it’s very important for business owners to recognize that they should do some simple things that can reduce overall exposure to allergens and other irritants. Protect your workplace with these easy steps: 1. […]

The restaurant catches fire, thanks to the kitchen grease

Fire, Water And Smoke Damage Restoration

While kitchen ducts may be out of sight, they should never be out of mind as grease build-up in extraction systems is one of the most common causes of fire in catering establishments. About one-fourth of the fires per year in commercial properties are attributed to cooking and extraction systems. Businesses need to pay closer […]

Health and Social Impacts of Household Energy


Health Impacts Cooking and heating with solid fuels (wood, charcoal, crop waste, dung, and coal) produce high levels of smoke in and around the home that contains a variety of health-damaging pollutants. There is strong evidence that exposure to household air pollution can lead to a wide range of child and adult disease outcomes, including […]

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