Perform IAQ Audits Before Winter Sets In

Perform IAQ Audits Before Winter

As winter approaches, the air begins to settle down, getting denser and converting into fog. In cities, the dense air gets mixed with pollution and becomes smog. As we all know the outdoor air quality eventually affects indoor air quality, its utmost essential to take care of indoor air quality especially when it comes out […]

IAQ – Indoor Air Quality Facts And Statistics!

Indoor Air Quality

In the industrial era that we live in, our urban lifestyle is utterly different from that of rural. In cities and towns most of the people spend 90% of their daily time indoors than outdoors. Most of us are completely unaware that our indoor air could be polluted. As stated, we spend 90% of our […]

Improving Indoor Air Quality In Business Premises

Improving Indoor Air Quality In Business Premises

IMPROVING INDOOR AIR QUALITY IN BUSINESS PREMISES Indoor air quality (IAQ) at the business premises is the subject of much concern and for good reason. The air quality of the indoor environment can profoundly affect the health, comfort, and productivity of occupants. It’s a well known fact that the indoor air quality may drop by […]

How To Increase Employee Comfort And Productivity

Increase Employee Comfort And Productivity

Although every morning, every office begins functioning with zest, eventually after lunch it hits the afternoon slump. Employees feel stuck reading the same line of an email. A contagious yawn spreads over the room. People feel sleepy or feel fatigue. But it’s not just fatigue. It’s something more. Commercial buildings are notorious for trapping CO2 […]


Indoor Air Quality

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is defined as the quality of air that affects the health and well-being of the building occupants. As per EPA & National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH), indoor pollutant level maybe 10 to 100 times higher than outdoors. The air quality of the indoor environment profoundly affects the health, […]

Protecting, Restoring & Purifying Indoor Air Quality

Improving Indoor Air Quality In Business Premises

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) can be defined as the quality of air as it affects the health and well-being of building occupantsand corporate houses. As per the WHO (World Health Organisation) most of the buildings in industrial belts of India are not healthy and not good at all for inhalation. There are many factors in […]

Myths related to Indoor Air Quality

Winter Air Pollution Across the Country

We’ve all heard the term – Indoor Air Quality. But it seems that strategies for improving IAQ float about in amounts similar to particles and gases we want to remove. Which approaches are good and which should we filter out – there’s always a debate. Hence we asked Allen P Rathey what myths related to […]

Decoding Air Quality Index:

Winter Air Pollution Across the Country

Air pollution has become one of the biggest environmental health risks ever. Millions of people die each year due to ailments where the cause of death has been linked to constant exposure to polluted air. Of the 6-7 million premature deaths each year due to air pollution, more than 50% of those occur in China […]

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