Parker’s EPSCO India realised that we are yet using Asbestos – a banned mineral worldwide but with no such regulations in India. Hence Suhel Parker has taken the lead in raising the awareness to the dangers of exposure to human health. EPSCO India got in touch with National Asbestos & Environmental Training Institute (NAETI) and persuaded them to come to India and educate the asbestos handlers.
Durable and heat-resistant, asbestos was long a favorite insulation material, but has also been used in everything from shoes and dental fillings to fireproofing sprays, brake linings and ceiling tiles.
Scientists and medical experts overwhelmingly agree that inhaling any form of asbestos can lead to deadly diseases including mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis, or the scarring of the lungs. Exposure may also lead to other debilitating ailments, including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
About 125 million people worldwide are exposed to asbestos at work each year, the WHO says. Because the disease typically takes 20 to 40 years to manifest, workers can go through their careers without realizing they are getting sick.
The vast majority of asbestos used in India is mixed with cement and poured into molds for corrugated roof sheets, wall panels or pipes. Fibers can be released when the sheets are sawed or hammered, and when wear and weather break them down. Scientists say those released fibers are just as dangerous as the raw mineral.
EPSCO’s efforts have paved way for NAETI instructors to come to India and enlighten us about the damages and the correct method of disposal such that no harm is caused to the person handling this menacing mineral.
NAETI has created 3 courses for our country and will be conducting this workshop in October 2016. Their staff includes internationally recognised experts whose experience and knowledge are integrated into all course materials. Instructors provide an exciting, dynamic and hands-on learning environment. Those who wish to enroll can do so by filling in a form here.