Increase Employee Comfort And Productivity
As per ISO 45001:2018 certification, EPSCO India is dedicated to provide a working environment to its employees that is safe and without risk. Our team of professionals use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) suitable to their job profile, whenever they are out for restoration work. PPE is the set of equipments that protects the user against safety risks at work. It can include items such as safety helmets, gloves, eye protection, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear and safety harnesses. Why is PPE essential? EPSCO India is in the business of cleaning the environment, health and safety. We make our work place safe by providing instructions, procedures, training and supervision to encourage our people to work safely and responsibly. We undertake different types of restoration jobs that require protection from various deadly elements like asbestos fibres while undergoing asbestos abatement procedure or safeguarding from contaminated air in case of HVAC duct cleaning assignment or removing corrosive materials during restoration of iconic buildings or handling extreme heat or cold conditions during other restoration work and safety of our team is of utmost importance. In case of Asbestos Abatement work our team additionally wears Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) along with PPE. Maintenance of PPE Maintenance of PPE is of very important. Every user properly looks after his PPE and stores in dry and clean cupboards when not in use. If it is reusable, it must be cleaned and kept in good condition. We use right replacement parts which match the original, e.g. proper respirator filters. In case of emergency we keep replacement of PPE available. We follow a common practice of employees making proper use of PPE and report its loss or destruction or any fault in it to the supervisor. Usage of PPE At EPSCO India we use PPE only as a last resort. We provide all necessary PPE to our employees e.g. head protection is must on most construction sites. We choose the PPE carefully as per international standards and ensure employees are trained to use it properly, and know how to detect and report any faults. With extensive use of PPE whenever necessary, EPSCO India is dedicated to take care of our environment along with our employees in the best possible way.
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