Asbestos Abatement

ASBESTOS, that was widely used in various buildings is today, a banned material in many countries like the US, Europe and now in the Middle East as well. Studies have revealed that prolonged exposure to this material may cause asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma (cancer of the chest and stomach cavities).

Since it was praised as the Miracle Mineral due to its acoustical, insulating and fire-resistant properties, it was widely used over the last century in commercial, industrial and residential buildings, but now, there are very strict guidelines regarding the removal and disposal of asbestos.

Asbestos is an excellent insulator that does not burn. Today we have realised the serious problems asbestos caused and how to deal with it and keep people safe from its devastating effects. Removal of Asbestos materials safely requires special training that EPSCO India team is well versed in.

EPSCO India provides a diverse and well-managed team for projects involving Asbestos Services (Inspection, Abatement, Indoor Air Quality, and Management,).

We communicate and work with you and your staff to develop a comprehensive approach for your asbestos project.

Our personnel have training and experience in the asbestos field as Asbestos Abatement Workers, Inspectors, consultants, project managers, Indoor Air Quality, and abatement technicians. Our commitment is to provide high quality, personalized and professional services for your Asbestos projects.

Our Managers, Supervisors and Hygiene technicians are qualified in various asbestos-related areas, like :

  • Asbestos Inspector
  • Asbestos Supervisor/Contractor
  • Asbestos Indoor Air Quality Professional
  • Asbestos Project Designer
  • Health and Safety on Asbestos Projects
  • Management of Chemical Hazards Personnel 

Contact us Today to get more information on our Environmental Services. 

Our teams have been trained by NAETI Certified trainers on the following accredited courses


OSHA Asbestos Training “Practices and Procedures” (asbestos abatement)


AHERA* Supervisor/Manager/Worker/Project Designer (asbestos abatement)


AHERA Inspector (building survey)


AHERA Project Supervisor/Contractor


NIOSH 582 (air monitoring and analysis)

* AHERA = Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act  of the US EPA.
Safety controls while removing asbestos is absolutely critical and training is of paramount importance.